In early 2013, WSCAT, along with a steering committee of five Warm Springs tribal members, began the process of determining whether an arts-based entity, modeled on cooperative principles, could provide Warm Springs artists and community members with new economic and educational opportunities. Four years later, after surveying community members, holding meetings and workshops, and working with ONABEN and other partners, Tananáwit formed a board of directors, developed by-laws and articles of incorporation, received 501(c)3 nonprofit status, and is surging ahead with plans to grow the arts community in Warm Springs. In May 2021, Tananáwit hired Jaime Scott, it’s first-ever executive director. The organization is now surging ahead with projects and programs in service of the Warm Springs arts community, and will open a store for its members in the Commissary in late 2022. Tananáwit, a Community of Warm Springs Artists, is a community-based organization whose mission is to facilitate economic opportunity for Warm Springs Indian Reservation artists, provide educational opportunities for aspiring Native artists, and to increase knowledge and understanding of the tribal arts and crafts of the Columbia River Plateau.